당신의 얼굴(머리)에도 벌레(떼)가 있다! (SBS 2002. 10.15. 방송 - 전 인류 98%에 서식)
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About Dr. Health Plus
Everything created by God in this great nature is like an excellent doctor. All the healthy nutrients and curing materials are found in the pure natural products. The uncontaminated sunlight, air, water, plants and fruits are excellent natural doctors that keep the beauty and health of human being. Today’s most serious problem of human being is that we are destroying these natural doctors.
DrHealthPlus.com intends to provide sections that introduce products which are successfully developed through discovery and use of natural doctors for the beauty and health of mankind. Of course, it is a kind of business. However, we have a pride in the fact that we contribute at least a bit to the beauty and health of human being, and promise that we will provide honest, precise and prompt service at a reasonable price to our customers who visit DrHealthPlus.com.
무료 즉석에서 현미경 테스트로 자기 얼굴에 있는 모낭충을 확인해드림
맑고 투명한 피부를 원하십니까?
-기미, 주근깨, 검버섯, 쥐젖 등으로 고민하는 분
-코 부위의 땀구멍, 아토피, 여드름으로 고민하는 분
-머리가 빠지고 가늘어지고 두피염증으로 고민하는 분
이 모든 것이 모낭충 (데모덱스)이 주 원인입니다.
자연 미용 제품
-길고 풍성하며 매력있는 속눈썹!
-4~8주일 내 확실한 효과!
-26가지 성분의 영양제로 만든 전혀 부작용이 없는 아이맥스!