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데이빗 건축 (주)
45-22 Zion Street
Little Neck, NY 11362
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소개: We welcome you to our Website. We started the contractor business from the name of EVADA since 1989, and is now one of the New York's leading general contractors in the retail store rebuilding industry under new name of "David Design Construction Inc". We have been serving the needs of specialty retailers throughout New York City. Our projects have included interior renovations, building additions and new construction. We have also completed many remodel projects while our customers were able to remain open for business. Our Staff Our staff consists of career minded sales persons and engineers who has been doing jobsite supervision on every project. David Design assures accurate layout, scheduling, and coordination of all jobsite activities. Our Clients You may recognize many of our clients has been new york's leading retailers of the field because we work differently in scheduling and its accuracy with kind services at the best turn around time in the industry. Our client list has included specialty retailers, as well as department stores, grocery stores, restaurants, banks, and commercial real estate developers.
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