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Bae Myung Acupuncture (플러싱 한의원, 뉴욕한의원)
36-09 Main St. #203
Flushing, NY 11354
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Head ache, Migraine, Cluster Headache, Tension Headache, Vertigo, Insomnia
Acupuncture treatment is effective as above named cases in clinical experience. If any kind of headache with anemia or vertigo symptoms appeared, herbal tonic tea will be recommended for more good results.* All nervous system and veins are passing through cervical spine, if that area as neck, thoracic spine and shoulders are strained, occurred many diseases as above mentioned headaches. In the clinical experiences, have been finding good results those cases. Acupuncture is actually effective for circulating blood, energy(nervous system) stream and pliable muscles.
Cervical Spasm, Thoracic Strain, Nerve Root Compress ion (radiated to arms)
Stiffneck, pain and decreased the flexible cervical spine.
* Pinched nerve(Nerve root compression) radiated to arms.
Acupuncture treatment is effective the above mentioned diseases in clinical experiences.
* Radial nerve, medical nerve and ulna nerve pass through to hands.
* Acupuncture Meridian pass through to arm and hands as named following.
 * Radial Nerve < Lung Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian
 * Median Nerve < Pericardium Meridian and Triple-warmer Meridian 
 * Ulna Nerve < Heart Meridian and Small Intestine Meridian
 Acupuncture treatment will be opening the blockage of energy flowing,, relieve for pain, cold pain, stiffness and numbness of upper back, arm and hands as neuralgic symptoms.
Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism
Those cases are relieved by acupuncture treatments, sometimes, herbal remedies will be more effective, specially stomach ulcer recommended herbal therapy.

* A case of rheumatism, most fingers, elbow and knee joints were swollen, pain, who had been treated some many acupuncture treatments in this office.
Since this treatments, who could open the fingers, elbows which was improved as normal and then returned to work.
Bursitis, Tendinitis: Acupuncture is very good effective for these joints diseases. Symptoms are pain, swell, decrease the flexion of joints.
* These kind of diseases occurred on shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.  In the clinical experience, it is most effective for connective tissues as above mentioned illnesses.
If bursitis occurred on hip joint, sometimes, confused the symptoms to sciatica, diagnosed very accurate examination necessary.
Chronic Gastritis, Gastric ulcer, Gastroenteritis: Those stomach illnesses will be effective many cases by acupuncture therapy with my clinical experience.
* Acupuncture works for gastritis and stomach ulcer and gastroenteritis will be more effective with herbal remedies which is strongly recommended.
One case of chronic gastritis, who was hospitalized 3weeks but he has been eating liquid food only. 
Since acupuncture treatments he could eat normal meal, this patient was severe gastritis, even couldn't touch the stomach, it was relieved to press no pain.
Lumbar strain, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis
Acupuncture is effective for entire spinal diseases in clinical experiences.* Most symptoms are pain, tender, decrease the normal flex of spine, bladder meridian flows through the side spinal cord to feed upon this, considered the bladder meridian but the method of tonic and  sedation is deferent. If use a tonic herbal remedies will be more effective.
Numberless patients have been good result in clinical experiences.
* One example, a closed to sixty year old was treated by acupuncture for severe low back pain, tender, difficult moving which  was found complicated disc problem not recommended surgery by disc confused disorder, so this patient had been treated by acupuncture treatments and he was very good result without surgery.
Cerebral Palsy
This boy was paralysed neck, both legs only controled arms but he could control neck as the left side picture after 15 treatments, he stood up hardly after 30treatments and walked steps with a cane for safety after 51 treatments.  Some years later, found he walk, even running with little mild limping and went to school as normal activities.
This is a treating picture in local news paper, who was suffering many  years, by migraine, this patient was improved 3 treatments, cured after total 8treatments.
Acupuncture is effective for tension head and cluster headache, too in clinically  shown many cases.
Encephalitis Victim
The left picture is an added local news paper who was paralysed by encephalitis, paralysed both legs, walking with arms, finally, treated by acupuncture treatments, then he stood up after 3 treatments but he was taken 7  treatments and cured, his mother added in the local news paper pleasantly.
* Chronic gastritis
* Gastric uncer(with herbology)
* Lumbar strain
* Sciatica
* Insomnia(Nerosthenia)
* Arthritis
* Migraine
* Headache
* Nerve Root Compression(Cervical spine radiated to arms)
* Recuperate after delivery(with herbology)
* General fatigue(herbology will be effective)
All complains consultation.